Saturday, March 17, 2012

K-2 Blog Linky Party

If you are like me you are constantly looking for new blogs that promote and share new ideas. Kindergarten Lifestyle is hosting a Linky Party for K-2 blogs. There are some AMAZING blogs linked here! I found this party through a blog I follow: 2nd Grade Rocks! Kindergarten Lifestyle is also creating a Pinterest Board of all of the bloggers that submit a link to this Linky Party. Click the picture below to check it out!

The weather is beautiful here in Michigan today. I think I'll take the laptop outside and work out there. Enjoy your Saturday!!



  1. I found you through the linky party and am now a follower!

    Isn't it amazing all of the blogs and ideas out there??!!???

    If I had blogs and Pinterest in the beginning, my first year would have been so different!

    I am excited to follow you on your journey! =)

    I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance.

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thank you so much Heather! You have an awesome blog! I love your post about Conscious Discipline. We have the power to build up or tear down little lives. I cannot wait to see more of your posts in the future! Thanks for following!

  2. So glad I found you!! I'm a fellow Michigan girl who also came to teaching later in life! Hope your having a great time student teaching and best of luck getting a job soon :)
    The Resource(ful) Room

    1. Thank you Amy! I am having a GREAT time student teaching. It has been such an amazing experience. Thank you for the good luck wishes and for following my blog!

  3. Hi Sandy - I found you through the linky party. Great blog and I look forward to seeing what you are up to. I teach first grade in CA. I also taught second and have a lot of ideas on my website But I like many have turned mainly to blogging now. I just started right before Valentine's Day and have a lot to's fun though.
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Thank you Vicky! I am new to blogging too and I am learning so much so quickly! Luckily there are many resources out there as well as examples to follow. Good luck to you in your blogging adventures and thanks for following!
