Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hooray for Wednesday!

I'm so glad that today is Wednesday! I'm feeling so tired and worn out. We can tell that the kids are too. We're all ready for a break I'm sure. Only two more days until I can sleep in...yeah, right!

Teaching Blog Addict has collected a bunch of teaching pins links from Pinterest and put them on their blog. If you're new to blogging, or haven't found them yet, TBA is an EXCELLENT blog resource for all teachers! It is a blog that is compiled of many blog posts from other teaching blogs that are shared in one place. I would recommend that you go check them out (as soon as you're done here, of course!). I've also grabbed their Pinning Party button. You can find it further down the page. Grab it if you're interested. You can also grab my button if you're interested in that too. Both are listed on the left side of the screen!

We use a phonics/spelling program called Words Their Way. I'm sure that many of you are familiar with it. Those that aren't should become so. It is an individualized program that teaches students spelling and phonics at their own level of need.

We implemented this program at the beginning of January after my cooperating teacher returned from maternity leave. We have felt that the program has been very successful so far in our classroom, and we're hearing success stories from other teachers in the building as well. It is a program that is grabbing the attention of many teachers here and it keeps sweeping through grades from lower elementary to upper elementary.

Anyway...we gave our second assessment (the first was for initial placement). I'm still at school at 6:16 plotting data to measure growth and thinking of what children need to be placed in the new groups that have formed now that some students' needs have changed. Whew! Obviously I'm not plotting that data right now, as I'm typing on my blog, but I needed a small break from work :-) It is so rewarding to see the growth that students have made in a form that we can present to others to show that the hard work that all of us have put forth is paying off.

As I sit here I'm watching the sun go down on an 84 degree Fahrenheit day in northern Michigan in March! We still have 7 days of school before we go on Spring Break. All I can say is that we are all ready to spend some time having fun outside and take a break from class work! I hope that it is as beautiful where you are as it is here! Thanks for visiting. Please come back again.


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